Monday, November 10, 2008

Robert Puddy Recommends IM Success Formula

A relatively well-known Internet marketer named Robert Puddy is recommending a new ebook to subscribers today. This is one that I had managed to procure before I received this mail, and I can recommend it as well, not just for the actual informational content, but also because it is possible to "rebrand" the book with your own affiliate links. This is an important benefit because you can then distribute the book by various methods and earn income from sales commissions generated from people clicking through and purchasing products that are already being promoted in the book.

I have some great news for you today...

My good friend Soren Jordansen just released a new ebook called the "Internet Marketing Success Formula"

It's an excellent step by step guide on how to make money online, and the best part is...

You can download a free copy here:


Soren wrote this ebook based on a major survey of his lists and a lot of feedback from his members and blog readers.

The end result is a formula that makes it impossible for you to fail - even if you are completely new to internet marketing, I can almost guarantee you that you will start making money online when you apply the steps you will discover in this free ebook.

And even if you already have a thriving internet marketing business, I'm sure you are missing some of the key steps Soren has laid out - so go pick up the golden nuggets of otherwise lost income!

Even though this ebook is completely free, I highly recommend that you grab the special offer - if you are lucky enough to see it when you log in.

You will only get one chance to...

  • Raise your affiliate commissions to completely insane levels.

  • Rebrand the entire ebook with your affiliate links - Making it your own personal 24/7 auto-pilot sales agent.

  • Gain an unfair list building advantage over your competition.

So grab your free copy now, and take a good look at the special offer. At that price it truly is a no-brainer.


That's it for now Karl, thanks for reading, and enjoy your free ebook - I know you will love it.

To your success,

Robert Puddy

PS: This is an ideal product to add to either your "thank you for confirming" page or your free giveaway download page because it converts very well.

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